Wednesday, January 23, 2008

my favorite healthy bread

So there's all this bad press on bread lately...but I have to say, I've found the bread. Granted, I am not a big bread eater, but with 14 grams of protein in two slices, 190 calories and 10 grams of fiber, this is no ordinary bread. Plus, its tastes great and warming to the soul as well. What is it???!!!??? French Meadow Bakery's Healthy Hemp Bread. Its a sprouted, yeast free bread made with hemp seeds which are very high in protein. So, hemp...what's that? Well, its the edible part of the marijuana plant. Gee, sounds great, right? Bread that gets you high? No, there's no hash in it. Its a different part of the plant. I've read that it won't show up on a drug test either, but just to be safe, I might not eat a slice the morning of a drug test. Its kosher, organic and I got it at the store "A Matter of Health" or 78th and 1st avenue in Manhattan in the freezer section - but I am sure that many health food stores carry it. If you'd prefer not to get it frozen (I always freeze my bread), it is available online at

On another note, I appeared on the Martha Stewart show in the studio audience for the health and wellness part II show. I won a laptop computer, fancy sneakers that have a GPS in them and a whole host of other interesting products. Not bad for a morning with Martha. She's awesome, go Barnard!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cooking classes, canyon ranch, and coconut oil

Hello world!
This month's cooking classes have been a smashing success and are to be soon profiled on the new site around 2/15. The current version of iholisitic is called The next cooking class is Monday 2/18, location to be determined.

I may be guest lecturing at Canyon Ranch in the near future. My next talk is scheduled for 2/10 at 4:30 on an upper west side location and will be about nourishing the soul -the history of the Jewish relationship with food. How today's diet may not be what the ancients had in mind.

I've been recovering from the post holiday winter blues by doing a lot of cooking. I've been introducing people to greens and coconut oil my favorite saturated fat.

I use nutiva brand which is raw and unrefined. It smells wonderfully like coconut and the taste is not strong or offensive. In limited quantities this oil is not at all harmful through the bad reputation it has gotten over the years, it is far friendlier than its polyunsaturated and partially hydrogenated foe.

To learn more, please visit my website and email me at to set up a free consultation in person or over the phone.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Sobel Wellness is Gearing Up to Launch

Happy New Year from Sobel Wellness!

Hope everyone is keeping your new years resolutions. There has been so much progress and excitement brewing here at Sobel Wellness. We are gearing up for the official launch date which is approaching this coming Monday. To celebrate there will be a cooking class offered on January 9th and a official launch party on January 14th at the TRS Professional Suite from 7:30-9:30pm on 44 East 32nd Street, 11th Floor - Room 1.

The January newsletter is in preparation. Please visit to sign up for the next addition. It should be ready in the third week of January.

Stay tuned for the posting of the recipes from this months cooking class. Future cooking classes are also in preparation and being planned for late Jan and Mid Feb. Topics with be healthy breakfast and brunch cookery on the go and Sunday night dinners for mid-week warm up. Keep checking the cooking class/events link on the website.

Looking forward to serving your health and wellness needs in 2008!