Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cooking classes, canyon ranch, and coconut oil

Hello world!
This month's cooking classes have been a smashing success and are to be soon profiled on the new site around 2/15. The current version of iholisitic is called The next cooking class is Monday 2/18, location to be determined.

I may be guest lecturing at Canyon Ranch in the near future. My next talk is scheduled for 2/10 at 4:30 on an upper west side location and will be about nourishing the soul -the history of the Jewish relationship with food. How today's diet may not be what the ancients had in mind.

I've been recovering from the post holiday winter blues by doing a lot of cooking. I've been introducing people to greens and coconut oil my favorite saturated fat.

I use nutiva brand which is raw and unrefined. It smells wonderfully like coconut and the taste is not strong or offensive. In limited quantities this oil is not at all harmful through the bad reputation it has gotten over the years, it is far friendlier than its polyunsaturated and partially hydrogenated foe.

To learn more, please visit my website and email me at to set up a free consultation in person or over the phone.

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